$200k Settlement Reached in Excessive Force Lawsuit Against Clayton County Jailers and Sheriff Victor Hill
March 15, 2023
JONESBORO, GA– Melvin McDay was arrested for jaywalking and booked into Sheriff Victor Hill’s Clayton County Jail, which the sheriff often referred to as the “Hillton”. Five jailers brutally assaulted Mr. McDay– tased him, shattered his jaw, and strapped him to the restraint chair for several hours. He was locked in solitary confinement for 3 days and never received medical treatment. Mr. McDay still suffers from PTSD from this abuse.
In late 2022, the former sheriff, Victor Hill, was convicted of 6 counts of civil rights violations for misuse of the restraint chair and sentenced to 18 months in federal prison concurrent with 6 years of supervised release. He will not be allowed to take any role in law enforcement while on probation.